Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sunday Intentional: New Years?

New Years is an interesting thing for me to look at deeply as it's not really part of the turning of my internal calendar.  A few years ago at Imbolc I pushed myself to really follow the wheel of the year and the natural patterns of the world.  Because of this goal I already celebrated the end of my year and the beginning of the next at Samhain and the Solstice and I plan to begin the new years goals on Imbolc.

That being said, I have yet to set goals for the next solar circuit and I should have done that at the Solstice and be in planning stages now.  I guess I'm a week or so behind so... as cliche as this post is, here are my goals for the next year:

I will have two products up in my etsy store for ALL sabbats. Yule went well and Imbolc is already planned but needs to be posted.  My etsy store is helping me be a better witch and I will continue to improve and grow my product lines.

I will participate in the 2012 Pagan Reading Challenge and the 2012 Witchy Books Reading Challenge by reading non-fiction witchy and pagan books that have been sitting on my shelves gathering dust.

Blog schedule goals:
  • First Featured Friday of each month is a giveaway
  • Second Third Featured Friday of each month is a pagan organization
  • Keep up with Sunday Intentionals

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you'll be posting Imbolc listings... I was going to ask you if you'd be willing to create one! I loved the Yule spell!
